Who’s Soundslikeotto?

Hey, we’re Soundslikeotto. If you’re reading this maybe you want to know some more stuff about us. We’re chesney, jonny, austin, nate, ryan, and connor. We started making music together in 2020 in a 9x9 bedroom-slash-studio in Detroit. We love 80’s synths & music you can dance to. 

We wrote our debut EP almost entirely over Zoom sessions in the fall and winter of 2020. The first time we were ever in the same room at the same time wasn’t until spring 2021, to record our project together in Nashville, TN. The songs we made during that time follow the creative evolution of our personalities & individual influences over the year we spent getting to know each other virtually. They bring together groovy, rhythmic guitar riffs, anthemic arpeggiation, and a nostalgia for a Tears-For-Fears-esque electronic synth -- all paired with painfully honest lyrics.

Since then we’ve spent a lot more time together, played some amazing shows, and written even more songs we can’t wait to share with you 😋

follow us anywhere @soundslikeotto to hear them soon! (& dm us to say hey too!) 

thanks for reading about us :)